David, Bowie and the others

20 years ago, when I left my parents house, the one in which i grow up, I left all what made my teenage years…ie David Bowie and my singles.

I was going to live with my real lover, then I left behind my unreal lover, the one who could have been my father (hehe he has my mother’s age) and he was a bit inhibiting mainly when you are about to live in 30 meters square

And here goes life, 10 years of unconditional love packed in 2 boxes, stored in the cellar! Hard to admit, but life is not something easy, right ?

…and as the Sleeping Beauty, 20 years went by, without thinking to the one moping in his recess, sharing space with “killing rats products” and hundreds of other boxes...until when…

I opened one of these boxes

1rst observation: 20 years is a pretty long time and you forget…I found all those records that I had absolutely forgotten and which are now collectors

2nd observation: there a lot of square records! Really square !...not the Bowie’s, of course, but others !

3rd observation: souvenirs are great, but bulky, mainly when they date from 20 years and that you can’t do anything with them…let me explain: the singles? I have a CD player, a ipod player…but no vinyl player, and there were none in the souvenir box ! videos? I counted not least than 2 or 3 DVD players, 1 playstation allowing us to read DVDs,, and 4 computers all reading DVDs…but old videos, nada !

4th observation: the Cellar is big in here, Sorry David,but you’re about to go back in it

But, before taking everything downstairs, I can’t avoid the pleasure to share with you some of the best. Don’t worry there are just a few…

Let’s go for an immersion among the 80s….just click on the names to open the links

As a start, some good, some great, some Bowie…for music, just click on the covers

And now, I am sure that you remember those ones…they are references in pop music: Duran Duran, so cute, Paul Young, Abba, Kim Wilde, remember Kids in America! The funnier is to look at their faces today…to the conditions that you forget that you took the same …30 years…

…and Youth errors…those records that make us laugh today, but that we bought for real at that time !. “Der Komissar”..just give a look at the way he is dancing…and that video, really ridiculous! Dadada…han-han-han! … all those groups are all German, and you could also remember 99 Luft Ballon …we could call that “ the great period of German pop”!

And the French, we should not forget the top of French music…enjoy ! the ones you can’t miss Vanessa Paradis with her 1rst hit Joe le taxi, the ones that you should avoid…La Compagnie Creole…they even had an Indian singing, just like the Village People, those always at the top, Indochine, and those still on the dance floor, Gilbert MontagnĂ©

And here it is, I close that chapter of souvenirs. After all, you can still ask yourself why keeping all this…but, thinking at this, the pleasure that you have 30 years after is still the same, so it will go direct to the cellar and not to the dustbin…they deserve that, right ?

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